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The Building Blocks Of Skating!





Coaching Philosophy


1.  Learning can and does occur in a fun-filled positive environment.  I will strive to make every lesson a positive and enjoyable experience.  Certainly there needs to be discipline and there is a time to be strict, but even that can be done in a positive manner.

2.  I am not just teaching you how to ice skate.  It is my hope that you are learning tools that can be used throughout your life.  From goal setting, plan formulation, disappointing outcomes, dealing with conflicting personalities, working through problems and taking criticism to succeeding, winning and learning to be a gracious winner.  These are all tools that are character building and you can use no matter where your life takes you.

3.  I am willing to teach anyone, as long as they are willing to learn.  It doesn't matter to me if you are a beginner, a child, an adult, a recreational skater, or a high level competitor.  As long as you truly want to learn I will be there for you 110%. 

4.  In this day and age, and especially in this current economy, many times both parents in the family are working to support the household and make ends meet.  Consequently, as coaches, we often spend more time with our students than they spend with some of their family members.  I feel that it is my responsibility, especially as a male coach, to provide a positive male role model for my younger students.  I want them to know and understand that they can trust me, confide in me and understand that I will always do what is best for them.

5. I strive for and love the "AHA moments" when something clicks for a student and you see a certain look in their eyes when they understand. Those moments make me want to be a better and better coach.

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